Participaciones en proyectos de investigación internacionales:
Título: Desigualdad regional en Europa y América: tendencias de largo plazo y factores explicativos (1890-2010) / Regional inequality in Europe and America: long term trends and explanatory factors (1890-2010). ECO2015-65049-C12-1-P
Organismo Financiador: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)
Vigencia: 2016-2018
This project aims to describe and analyse the main patterns and drivers of regional economic inequality in Europe and the Americas in the long run. In this regard, we hypothesize that the current economic landscape has been the result of a long and complex process, which has been strongly influenced by geography, institutions and policies. This process, in turn, has shaped the extent and evolution of regional income inequality in Europe and the Americas. Despite all the socioeconomic changes occurred since the mid-1800s, reversals of fortunes and/or economic growth miracles are hardly observed. It appears that spatial inequalities in Europe and the Americas present few discontinuities, that is to say, are rather persistent over time. However, the Regional Economic History of European and American countries differ widely. In fact, this diversity provides a set of case studies to examine what are the proximate causes of spatial inequality at different levels, e.g. regional productive specialisation, public policies, geography, etc. A deep-rooted economic analysis of regional inequality will thus allow for a better understanding of the past, which might be useful for academics, practioners (i.e. policy-makers), and the general public.
With this in mind, the lessons from the past could be of much help and interest for current debates on regional inequalities, territorial cohesion, and public policies.However, and despite the enormous changes occurred from 1850 to the present, more continuities than ruptures may be observed in the economic landscape. In this sense, we argue that deep forces, particularly institutions and geography, have had a permanent influence in the spatial distribution of regional incomes.
– Daniel A. Tirado Fabregat (Universitat de València) (Investigador principal)
– Marc Badia Miró (Universitat de Barcelona)
– Antonio Cubel Montesinos (Universitat de València)
– Alfonso Díez Minguela (Universitat de València)
– Julio Martínez Galarraga (Universitat de València)
– Maria José Murgui García (Universitat de València)
– Esteban Nicolini Alessi (Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino, Argentina)
– José Alejandro Peres Cajías (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Bolivia)
– Adrián Rodríguez Miranda (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
– Joan Ramon Rosés Vendoiro (London School of Economics, UK)
– Carmen Astrid Romero Baquero (Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Colombia)
– Maria Teresa Sanchis Llopis (Universitat de València)
– Bruno Seminario de Marzi (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú)
– Henry Willebald (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)